Friday, November 28, 2008

athletic director

Thought i would let you know how the whole athletic director thing is going so far. I was never thrilled with the idea of adding another "hat" to my collection of responsibilities but i enjoy athletics and wanted to do my part and fill in where needed. I am still trying to not be too busy with school stuff and keep "youth pastoring" first, but it is difficult in a church that has a Christian school with it and this makes it worse. Since agreeing to be the AD last week, i have been busy trying to familiarize myself with the scheduling, the different schools, details, etc... The first basketball games for guys and girls start this coming Tuesday and I have still been trying to fill in gaps in the basketball schedule for both guys and girls. I told both coaches I would try to even out what I could but no promises. It is harder than I thought to contact other schools and especially the ones in charge of scheduling games. Plus, I don't know how far away schools are from us and how good or not-so-good they are. For example, just yesterday i scheduled a home-and-away with a team down south from us. I was pretty pleased with myself until I heard from some of the teens that they are triple A while we are single A. In other words, they are totally out of our league. So now I will have to call back and try to think of a good excuse/reason to cancel the two games without saying the words "if we play you your JV could beat our varsity team". "Trial and error" seem to be the phrase that comes to my mind so far. But I have definitely been on a steep learning curve which means that i have to be learning something, right? It will take some time but I will eventually be much more familiar with the schools, teams, normal order of process, and all that jazz. I still have to schedule a couple fund raising events and plan the sports banquet, but that all comes later, and I'm just primarily concerned with finishing the basketball schedules and keeping track of paying the refs, making sure we have the gym when we need it, pacifying the coaches, putting together the half-done stuff that got dumped on me, and more along those lines. In a couple years, it will be all easier and much more clear. But for now, I find myself even worrying about this stuff, which is not like me at all. God help me (as i know He will) and give me wisdom and good decision making!

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