Tuesday, December 16, 2008

quicck update

Ugh, feel horrible...nasty cold...won't go away...must make it until I get home...
I'm very tired and the busy holiday isn't helping at all. School Christmas program rehearsals are killing me and then I have a big Christmas party with the youth group at my house this Sat. afternoon. I still have to plan some things for that.
Need to go running but now that my head's throbbing, that's out the window today. And i have Next Step tonight so I get to come back.
I was out Christmas shopping last night and Sat. night. Lots of money spent, but lots accomplished.
Had last Friday's basketball games cancelled for a snow day, don't know if I can make them up or not. Away game this Thursday but I am making the executive decision to not go on this one.
We're having our Christmas morning next Tuesday with the kids and then that afternoon leaving for Michigan to see the families. Should be a busy holiday but a good one.
Remember the true meaning of Christmas!

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